During refractive lens exchange or cataract surgery, the lens that is implanted into your eye is customised to your eye. There are several different lens options that you can choose from. At your initial consultation the lens options will be discussed with you and a mutual decision is then made based on your individual requirements.
A monofocal lens can help with distance or near vision but not both. If you opt for lenses that correct your distance vision, you’ll then need reading glasses for near work. Alternatively, if you chose lenses for near vision you’ll need glasses for distance. Some patients are used to having one eye doing distance work and the other doing near work and this set up can also be achieved with mono-focal lenses in select patients.
Multifocal lenses are designed to allow patients to see distance as well as near from each eye and they do this by having multiple focal points within the lenses themselves.
Within the multifocal lenses category, there are various types of multifocal lens you can opt for, including trifocal, bifocal and extended depth of focus lenses. Each of these has its own benefits, which your surgeon will happily discuss in depth with you at your initial consultation.
There are also lenses available called toric lenses – both the monofocal and multifocal lenses are available in toric form. These lenses are often used for patients who have astigmatism to a significant degree.
All lenses have pros and cons and these will be discussed with you following detailed examination and tests of your eyes. Often, the choice of lens will depend on what you’re already used to but also on the degree of spectacle freedom you wish to achieve.
The team at OCL Vision will help you navigate the choices making sure you choose the option that is right for you.
If you have more questions or if you would like to discuss potential treatment options, please make an enquiry or call us on 0203 369 2020 and we’ll be happy to help you.